Tuesday, April 13, 2010

My draft number in 1969 was 360

a high number, a get out of the army free card...who could be thought to deserve such, and what wonderful thing could they have done?

I don't know. but whatever muse has steadfastly guaranteed me continuance in my life was in perfect control today.

I could not dare to dream I would feel so good so soon. as in, kicks butt over yesterday! and talk about your longshot horse coming in at 10000 to 1, the Scwannorama (as Dan Jones called it) was not even on a cranial nerve, but some unnamed non player that only carries sensation. I think my earlobe will be permanently numb.
the rest of me now...no pain reliever since this morning, feels just like me.

yah. scary news for all, that.

I'm not doing much online today. but twenty five year shadows are
it feels amazingly relieving.



  1. Well this is all just exactly what we expected from you, My Man. Nice going. Can't wait to talk to you (soon, we hope).

    BTW my draft lottery number in that same year (the very first lottery) was 365, so I beat ya. unfortunately at the time I was 6 months into a 4 year Navy active duty committment. And the rest is history.

  2. Scott, that's great news!
    Glad you're well and all is good.
    Looking forward to playing with you again soon.

  3. There's a song here somewhere...what rhymes with schwannorama? I couldn't be happier for you Scott, and in the grand scheme of things...happy for all of us too. Continued prayers coming your way;). Peggy

  4. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dGFXGwHsD_A

  5. Scott - I am so so so SO happy to hear how successful the operation was and that you are doing well!! You have such a wonderful spirit and are always so supportive of everyone. Now you lay back, relax, and feel all of our love for you.


  6. Jim and I are equally thrilled to get such GREAT NEWS!!! We were just sure this would be the outcome. Yeah!! many many more years of performing incredibly wonderful music with you...what could be better? NOTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    much luv,
    Jim and Vickie
