Monday, January 3, 2011

promise of Christmastime fulfilled

I'm in the study.

Dr. Elias was perhaps a little more linear in person, perhaps a little less humorous than I'd expected. linear can look good on an expert.
I told him I didn't bring a tutu, but I wore my pink shirt.
he asked what kind of music I played....I said, good.
I think he thought I misunderstood him.

this is the world's largest sarcoma study. 3000 people. 65 in Denver. 8-10% have tumor shrinkage. another 50% achieve stabilization.
Dr. Elias listed off another six or eight drugs in preliminary study that are showing promise. I would love to have written down all of their names, but it wasn't the most important thing. the most important thing was, he had an experimental drug that had a "proven track record".
that's the damn best of both worlds, I'd say.

a girl came in whose job it was to go over and explain a sheaf of papers that contained the side effects of every drug they were going to give me.
if someone sat down with you over breakfast and explained to you all of the possible hazards of every step you'd take that day, you'd jump into bed and never get out. head was kind of swimming at the end of that.

the last day of chemo had been December 23rd...they had to wait three weeks to start the program. the next Monday was the 17th...Martin Luther King's birthday. he's out of the office Tuesday.
I start Wednesday January 19th. port goes in January 14th, Friday.

tired. might finish this later. but no delays, no placebos, no trouble, I'm in!


  1. Hallelujah and Hallelujah! i don't seem to have the words to express the joy, hope and relief i'm feeling at the moment! it feels as if the sea has finally calmed and parted. may the prayers continue and be heard... and go way beyond '11.

  2. This is the best post (and news) EVER!!! far :0)
    happy happy HAPPY!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. ...and there was much rejoicing. : )

  4. Good luck, Scott. You deserve a win.
