Thursday, October 27, 2011

Scott would know just what to title this...

....but he is sleeping now, carefully and lovingly medicated by the experts at Hospice, and watched over by Lisa. He had a talk with his nurse and doctor this afternoon, and decided very clear-mindedly to stop fighting and rest. There will be no more antibiotics, forced fluids or nutrition. Only medications to ensure no pain and the easiest breathing possible, plus oxygen. Shortly after these changes were made, he fell asleep, and has been sleeping since. Before allowing these changes, he asked that there be no visitors at all. Once it is apparent that he will not be waking up again, he said it will be all right for Debra, Janice, Mary, Marie, and I to visit briefly, but that is all. I know how hard this will be for so many people who love him, but please know that this was his express be allowed to fall asleep with no disturbances. He knows how much you, we, all love him, and he's taking that with him as he rests. When there are any further changes, we will post them here right away. Until then, please continue to pray for his comfort and peace.


  1. May God bless you Scott. (((HUGS))) Aho!

  2. there are no words, dear friend...I cannot bear this but can bear less thinking that you are suffering...Jim and I love you so dearly, Scott and we know you know that, too. rest and prepare for peace and love beyond your imagination...


    You do know that the MUSIC will just keep on going and going and going... THANKFULLY! We love you! - The Band of Blonde, the Valentine Band, The Blonde-tourage and ALL THE BLONDE-HEADS! We salute you! :o) Peace... and God Bless!

  4. I had the pleasure of spending a few days with Scott more than 10 years ago, when he came to Southern California to have a guitar or two repaired by his favorite luthier. He was very adamant that this person was a luthier, not a guitar-maker. I was entranced with his knowledge and we had an enjoyable evening when he picked up his guitars. There was no electricity, just candles, but the music he made lit the evening nicely. The next day, he left, to spend some time in Northern CA. I saw him again, briefly, about 5 months or so later, on another trip. Since then, my path was split clean away from his, yet I tried to keep in touch online. I will remember his words, his voice, his music, and his smile for as long as I have left. Cancer is a battle and he fought it well. Peaceful journey, Scott, and peaceful thoughts to his friends. Sending white energy to light the path home and ease his passing.

  5. this is a writing Scott wrote years ago for a friend.

    He's always so right.


    A Flash of Light

    A FLASH OF LIGHT, beautiful, and bathing all around it in heavenly light before it is done.

    We think that death takes life away, negates it... but it is so untrue.

    Death is powerless to undo one smile, one breath, one remembrance that life has created.

    To end something is not to cancel it, or to take away the least of it's positive effect on this earth... on you.

    I played at a funeral of a college age boy, killed in an avalanche. The church was filled, and stories flowed of the good his life had started in others' lives.

    I thought to Myself, he would have a giggle at all of this if he were here. Then I thought, he is here, his body is in the casket.... ok, then, he would have a giggle at this solemnity if his spirit were here.

    But it was there, too.

    He was there, but in a new way. And people who loved him would still love him, but in a new way.

    That is what you need to learn to do for your child. The ripples of good his life caused will never stop. His spirit has flowed to the sea, but has not left you; rather it is now everywhere.

    The young boy who skied in the face of the avalanche is not calling out to us, come and join me where I've gone now. His thirst for life, if we honor him, should fill us. Your baby's will to live should indwell in you, pulling you to make the most of seconds, days, sunsets, years you are allowed, that he was not. We are given the chance to make our own new ripples in these times, ones that neither death nor anything else will ever, ever be able to overcome or take away.

  6. It's been an honor and privilege to know you and listen to your music Scott, if only briefly. Although I hardly know you personally, this is one of my saddest days. Love and peace to you. Paul

  7. Zac and I send Love! We wish for you peace dear friend. We have the deepest sorrow, for the loss we feel in our hearts. Sleep now, for we will meet again!

  8. He is the Mountains and the Sun. Rest peaceful my Friend, Nessa
