Sunday, July 24, 2011

I see you

that's where I ended up today. in the ICU.

and, man, let me tell you, was that care intensive! there must have been eight people in here, all staring at my vitals like a ticker tape.

today was the worst it's been. can't talk without coughing. can't turn over without coughing. no sleep. no comfortable position. real constant trouble breathing.

after much, much, much ado, they did another drainage, anticipating the permanent catheter to drain the fluid at home will go in tomorrow.

I was not in great shape to withstand the procedure.

but it brought immediate relief, from difficulty breathing. much better, again.

still feel lassooed by the other stuff. but it still feels like relief. maybe sleep tonight.

the fact that they have seen nothing that necessitates skipping steps...that they're going for the dare, before the double dog dare, and way before the triple dog, is vaguely encouraging. gives hope that some intermediate step will work.

I can stick with the thoroughly defeated feeling I had this morning...or start courting the ghosts of the gigs this week I didn't think there was any way I could do, silly as that would be...
I guess what I'm feeling right now is...."this ain't over until I say it's over!"

my Dear Hearts and Gentle Readers had much more courage and fight than I've had today.
til now.


  1. YaY!!! so happy to hear about the turn-around in outlook!!!

  2. Scott, sorry to hear the latest news. I'm pulling for you, man.

    Rob Roper

  3. Oh My Goodness... been thinking about you ALL DAY TODAY! Words escape me... Just thinking about you and sending everything I can that is good your way. We love you! -Mary & the Men of Blonde

  4. glad you've gotten some relief and can literally breathe a little easier...please just focus on getting things stabilized so that you cna get stronger for the miracles to come!!! much love, Jim and Vickie

  5. Scott, please. If YOU don't believe, it wins. Believe that you will be fine and let NO fear into your head. I KNOW you can beat this.

  6. So--this picture worth a 1000 words thing? Picture a large bear hug--lots of furry love sans claws, all tongue-slurp up the side of the face, no biting. No Teddy Bear's Picnic this, still I wish for you a basket of Sondheim, silly movies, laughter, wit, & music. And many hands holding yours when you leave. Love you Scott. Thank you for having been a large part of my life & music. Safe journeys... Willie

    PS--if whatever happens next happens to look anything like Aurora, well, for god's sake keep moving.... : )

  7. I am heartbroken to hear all this news. Hospice is a wonderful place when needed, but heartbreaking to need it so young.
    I learned more about music and humor from you, Scott, than any 5 other people combined. I always cherish our time as the Philbillies and Tanglefoots, even tho' it became time to move on to other things.
    My prayers, affection, and gratefulness are with you, even tho' my physical presence is not. I will visit you Oct. 7, no matter what. In the meantime, know that I am praying for you. Alan
