Sunday, August 7, 2011

the way Dr. Weyant explained it to me

was that there were more factors than risk involved

he said the surgery would be very risky. but also, that the chances for benefits seem little to none.
he said they leave most of the tumor in...and even if they take the really bad part out that is compromising the heart, it tends to grow back way fast, as if to say no therapy could help in the brief interim.

he said he is not afraid of the operation. he's been in exactly this situation before, and done this operation in this situation.

but has never seen a positive outcome.

so I had to go along that the operation, the last move on our side of the checkerboard, was inadvisable.

all of my cohearts, all of my prayeramedics, all of my Gentle Warrior readers, lay down your arms. the battle is over now. we bid high and brave with the universe, voicing our bid that now is not the time for my life to be over.

the universe said, we know more than you do about this, and this is indeed the time.

I sit now with a button on my right, that I will push after I am done writing.

Dr. Gore and Ashley Portismount, a Palliative care doctor (last name a silly approximation), came in a couple of hours later to see us. later joined by Dr. Leong.

she/ they had not spoken to Dr. Weyant. we filled them in on what he had said. I think they were not surprised, but Dr. Leong specifically didn't give up easy.

in the end, though, Pappy Yokum had spoken.

so now what?

palliative care.

doing whatever possible to help me feel comfortable in what I think are the few days remaining.

she said that can be done at home, or in the hospital...but the best place set up for it is a Hospice in Lakewood.

I didn't know what could be done there that isn't being done and couldn't be done.

the answer seems to be morphine. this drug will ease coughing, and lessen the feeling of having trouble breathing. at the doses we're currently talking, shouldn't lower the blood pressure. also washes your shorts.
it's like ibuprofen. why is it such a panacea? but ibuprofen sure is.


some other time I'll open the association bag and say all that brings up for me.
meanwhile, relief sounds good.

the button beside me is the self guided patient morphine doser. every ten minutes I can push the button.

going to finish this first. worried that if I pushed the button now, I'd start talking like Kim Fowley. (see:"The Trip") or Slim Gailliard, mellowest cat to ever jive a thirties audience (see: the 50's version of "How High the Moon". prepare to LMAOROTF)

the question is always, how long a life is enough? was mine enough?

the answer is always yes. and it's always no. we want more. always.

Dr. Gore and Ashley heard me again speak of my preference of death, rather than hanging on til some fatal painful trauma, being just being put to sleep and not waking up.

is that not being a good soldier? while there's life, there's hope?

honestly, if days got worse from here, I really wanted to know if they had any option that looked like the going to sleep one.

it was the only question I had asked her before that I feel like I had gotten a vague positive response to from Dr. Gore.

but today I had to repeat my idea three times before they stopped re-explaining theirs.

no, medicine doesn't work like that. there is no possibility that looks like my idea.

the Hospice model is that you are kept comfortable, slowing and slowing down, until your heart at last stops.

hey, hey, my my, it's better to burn out than it is to rust.

but if they can give me that...I'm willing to give it a try. just don't know how ready for the world I'm going to get to be.

hope no one takes that that I've been a hypocrite with all I've said about loving life.

there's a terrible movie, Taps, which features a beloved academy teacher, a loyal student body, and the closing of his facility which is breaking his heart. he tells them, go on, take the world, never give long as you fight, you cannot fail.

the student body gets its rifles the day before school closes and takes over the administration building.

and the beloved instructor has to go in and say, no, no, no, this isn't what I meant at all!
but, you said...
yes, yes, I know I said. never give up. never stop. but this is hopeless and ridiculous!

the best spin I can put on today's Hospice news (St. John's in Lakewood, already variously reported as the best), is that I am not going to die in Aurora.

it may be tuesday I transfer there.

I'm sorry I don't have better news. I'll need all of you more than ever. and I'll be honored, today and everyday, by all who respond to my story by living more fully, instead of choosing smaller and smaller lives.



  1. I'm sitting here, staring at the cursor in this comment box and wishing this was a bad dream that we could all wake up from...what do I say to this "blog", I hate seeing these words in front of me and I don't like what they mean. But, then, this is not about is about you, my dear friend, who I have had such an incredibly special relationship with the last 6 years. It is about your courage in the face of a battle with a enemy that shows no mercy and takes selfishly from those who seem to always be the best of our human lot. It is about your gentle nature and spirit that set up permanent residence in my heart and soul. My friend, Mary Huckins, said that there is "family" and then, there is "FAMILY" The kind of relationships built on a kindred spirit such as the ones we of this music community have experienced with you, Scott. It is an indescribable union of minds and souls, this music we make. It cannot be manufactured or faked. If it is real, and I know it is, those special moments live forever in our hearts and minds. Which means, you can not, and will not, EVER LEAVE US! You have lead Jim and me on a journey we never imagined with our music and we would not trade it for anything!!! Our memories are everlasting and we love you so much for sharing your life, incredible gifts with us!
    My wish for you is to be happy and satisfied with the life you have lived. No regrets...and know you are loved far beyond what you could possibly imagine.
    Be at peace, my dear friend

  2. As I'm sure you know, since I've said it to you before in a private conversation, Western medicine is not all encompassing. It doesn't believe in the same things that 'alternative' medicine believes in. Everyone has to make their own decision and it seems that you have made yours based on what the doctors have told you. There are other treatments that can be done but you are already believing that death is soon. If that is truly how you feel, then I wish you well on that journey and will mourn you when you're gone.

  3. I have followed this blog religiously and have hoped and prayed for a good outcome. Scott you have been a big influence on my life and my music. I am a much better guitar player since working with you and my last CD is a wonder, all because of you. Your approach to music, your ideas and your spirit are a part of so many people's lives. You are loved and supported. I know that I am better for having known and worked with you. My thoughts are with you. Peace.

  4. HUGE SIGH... so much unsung... WHY OH WHY??!!! I just can't take it in, Scott! I am still holding my breath a bit for a miracle!
    We wanted to be certain that you know how incredibly HONORED we are to have you on our current DB recording project! Not sure you have gotten to hear that enough from us!!! I don't think I can listen without weeping my heart out right now though... but you could not have played more BEAUTIFULLY! Thank you! Thank you! It is ALL JUST PERFECT and ALL exactly as it should be! You must know that! It is going to hold a very special place for us all! matter what... we know you will be with us one way or another!

    As I am reminiscing, there are so many things to THANK YOU for, Scott! You have certainly made us so much better at what we do! Thank you for being our cheerleader, our support in our many musical insecurities, our often "last minute guy", our encourager... our friend! (and even our bass player a few times! :o) When we think of YOU, we see that welcoming smile - You have always been such a positive, enthusiastic, tender, courageous, giving, caring, "including everyone" soul... even through all this! Something for us to strive for.

    You make us want to LOVE more fully and to LIVE more fully! That's pretty darn powerful! Through you, many many musical relationships & friendships have been built - ones that will last not only in this earthly time, but far beyond... You have done great GREAT things, and you are DEARLY LOVED and appreciated, my friend!

    It has been such a Great Adventure with you, Scott! The Best! Thank you for the journey... WE LOVE YOU! We're not done praying yet though...
    -Mary, Don & Tony

  5. Scott,

    You break my heart, you inspire me, you've helped me, you've taught me. You have never been far from my thoughts these past awful months, and will continue to remain in my brain every time I pick up a guitar to practice (and practice, and practice), or have a birthday (still marveling over the 50th B.D. song parody you wrote. That was a treasure. And it was pretty cool).
    You made a difference in my life, pal. I am only happy that I can tell you this, hopefully before too much of the medications kick in.
    I don't mean any disrespect by saying, heartfelt, simply, "Nice knowin' ya." Because it really, really is nice knowing you.

    Yer frend,
    Keith Hughes

  6. Dear Scott,

    Your beautiful music will live forever. You have enriched the lives of many people. The world is a better place because you were here. I'll never forget those gigs you played with Ken, and the magic you worked with the electric guitar, volume pedal, and whammy bar, to color his songs so beautifully. I've gone to a lot of shows, and seen a lot of great guitar players, but I've never seen anybody do that like you did. I feel privileged to have seen you play. We won't forget you. Goodbye, my friend, you beautiful, creative man.

    Rob Roper

  7. Beautiful Scott,
    A word.
    A feeling.
    Neither of which has come easily for me.
    I love you, Scott.
    Always have.
    Always will.

  8. Dear Scott, and the community all around you, words cannot express the profound gratitude I have for knowing you, for working with you, and being able to share some moments and music with you. These days show us yet again that the universe has its ways that we cannot understand, yet I can be so grateful to you for all you have done, all the musicians like me who you have worked your magic on, and we are all the better for it. You leave us grieving, celebrating you, and holding to each other and to the music you left us with, knowing that you go on before us to play in that Angel Band with John, George, and so many others. Part of me wants to scream out, what kind of justice is it that we are left with Henry Kissinger and Brittany Spears, while you are leaving us? and part of me accepts that we can't know and won't know until it is our turn to cross over and join you. Love to you and all the circle, Elena

  9. "Not going to die in Aurora"???? Man, you crack me up. Your sense of humor facing this dire situation reminds of why I love you.

    Hey, we died several nights on several stages in Aurora, California and a few Colorado ski towns, eh.

    Still hoping to see you when you get settled in the next few days. Got some things to say. But if we don't, well, "someday, when we meet up yonder. . ." There's gonna be a lot of blue eyes cryin' in the rain, my friend.

    You have touched us all in a profound way. Nicely done, Old Friend. Very nicely done.


  10. Scott,
    Zac and I care. We are sending you love!

  11. Scott, my thoughts echo everyone else's. I've been searching for something profound to say, but I'm at a loss for words other than to thank you for making me a better musician, serving as a reminder to live life to its fullest and be an inspiration to others. I don't want to day goodbye, but trust that you're an inspiration to others like me. You'll always be there, in front of my kit on stage, giving me your nod of approval with that great smile of yours.
    Doug Metzgar and family.


    You are everything i know
    whichever way i go
    forever stay with me

    Venite Angeli
    Cantate damino

    You see me through
    whenever i am afraid
    You're never far away
    You'll forever comfort me

    Venite Angeli
    Cantate damino

    You're on my side
    whichever way i choose
    in everything i do
    forever stay with me

    Venite Angeli
    cantate damino

    stay with me
    stay with me


    Do not stand at my grave and weep
    I am not there. I do not sleep.
    I am a thousand winds that blow.
    I am the diamond glints on snow.
    I am the sunlight on ripened grain.
    I am the gentle autumn rain.
    When you awaken in the morning's hush
    I am the swift uplifting rush.
    Of quiet birds in circled flight.
    I am the soft stars that shine at night.
    Do not stand at my grave and cry;
    I am not there. I did not die.

  13. Scott, I am the sister of DB's Mary H. I have always heard so many wonderful things about you I wished I could be your friend too. It is obvious as I read this that you are truly a great friend and a ver loved man. We continue to lift up prayers for miracles to happen knowing that we don't always understand God's miracles when they happen. I think that you can know that in this beautiful musical world of yours you have inspired poetry and song. God bless you! -- Kathy

  14. Hey Scotty Pippin!!
    we have just recently transformed our relationship in such a profound way...we have touched inspire me to be greater than i amaze me with your talent and have this wonder in your share unconditionally...i love when you look back at me when we travel down the same musical path together...the joy you bring to me and your audience as we have shared music with the world...the love that fills the air when you play...the commitment to music and the ones you love are one and the same...i can see your face on the other side of the studio glass as we create together...i feel the surrender of my ego as i accept your vision...the way you throw yourself back in your chair and laugh with your whole being when something falls together musically...i have you in my mind's eye, in my heart, deep in my soul, you are my brother forever...just like when we play a tune that we've never played together perfectly and just's hard to see the screen from my tears as i type this and i can't figure out whether they are tears of sadness or joy for the gift you have given me, us...the world! i will always love you, Scotty! your brother, chris

  15. Dear Scott,

    Thanks for showing me how it was done for 3 solid years in our formative gigging days, first with our harmonious and acoustic trio, then with the 5 piece country/rock band that spent much too much time in Wyoming, and then the dynamic duo that was able to rock venues that full bands generally played. You turned me on to all sorts of music that I was never aware of, and showed me how to listen.... not to mention all of the hilarious conversation on the road. Also, a few years later thanks for traveling all the way down to Houston and Corpus Christi to pinch hit for a couple of months with the rag tag traveling band I was in, and finally, a couple of decades later, it was wonderful to finally get back together for some very fun performances back here in beautiful Colorado. All along you pushed everyone’s musical level up a notch and that will stick with ‘em forever. Always looked forward to rehearsals, not only for the knowledge you brought to the table, but also because it just sounded so good when you added your guitar and vocals parts. The delight of making satisfying musical sounds..... that’s what it’s about! Your presence will be missed greatly here, not only for your amazing music, but for your inimitable character and humor. Of course, you will live on in the music of everyone who ever played with you and will always be in our thoughts. We’ll keep hashing it out down here for as long as we can and you can now move on to your next exciting adventure. Best wishes for now, Rick

  16. Scott, You have always inspired me with your music. Now you inspire me with your love, your courage, your humor, and your resolve to cross your way. Remember always that we love you and you will always be our house band.
    Bob Laughlin

  17. Dear Scott,
    Friday I spent 3o minutes on the phone with Warren Floyd and he updated me on what's been going on. Pam & I were just talking about a way to get you back to Minnesota for a show with our music friends here. I'm so sorry that won't happen. I'll never forget you & the music we've made. I'm not sure what's next for any of us but I hope we'll to jam again somehow, somewhere. We love you,
    Pat Curto & Pam Krueger

  18. Dearest Scott,

    How can this be? I have learned so much from you, starting at Sewell Hall in 1974, (remember the sewell Hall Free band?) Touring with Bonnie and you will aways live in my memory, long drives across the USof A, working the New York times crossword across the Great Plains, sorting out complex relationship, chord progressions etc. We were so much older then, we're younger than that now. It's all too much! Thanks for your generous life.
    Fare thee well, fare thee well, I love you more than words can tell
    listen to the river sing sweet songs to rock my soul.
    Randy Kelley
